Resources for Magic and Satanism
|Here is a question from one of my youtube viewers. he asks how he can begin in the occult and Satanism, where to start and what to do. Here is his letter:
“The thing is that i feel that something is missing in my life. I tried to find it in other religious things but none of them satisfies me enough. I would like to know the basic stuff when once you were a beginner. Maybe you’re kind enough to give me some information how to start?”
Maybe the thing that is missing in your life is direction? Your letter seems as if you do not know where to go or what to do, though you feel as if you should be doing something, but you do not know what that is.
If you have more than just a passing curiosity in occultism, you could find a specific type of practice, and learn about it as much as you can, put it’s principles in action into your life, and use that practice to better yourself.
Since everyone is different, there is no overall place to ‘start’ or begin with Satanism. You have to know what you like, and go with those things that spark your interest. You may have little experience which leaves you to question what direction to go in. I suggest that you should divide your time between two areas, the first being study, and secondly, practice.
In order to understand Satanism as it is today you should start at the beginning, and go to the source. This simple primer on Satanism is the Satanic Bible. While not all Satanists agree with it’s philosophies, it is a good book for beginners in satanism. It contains the ideas and philosophies of LaVey, and his methods of magic. This book is available at amazon for a low price, but read my review on it first at the Left Hand Path Books Blog: The Satanic Bible
Along with this you should read the essays of James R. Lewis, a discussion on the influence of the Satanic bible, and an overview of the beliefs of Satanists. He is one of the few academics who has given a very good overview of Satanism and it’s role in society. Mr. Lewis covers the topic clearly and subjectively so you will be able to understand modern satanism. Some of his essays: “Who Serves Satan? A Demographic and Ideological Profile” , and his second essay, “Diabolical Authority: Anton LaVey, the Satanic Bible and the Satanist.” and “The Satanic Bible: Quasi-Scripture / Counter-Scripture”
Also you will want to read these posts from my blog:
Occult Books, Where to Start
Good Books for Beginners
Building Your Research Materials
Visit my website ( for writings on Satanism.
Suggested Reading on Satanism and the Occult
Satanic History, Culture and Practice
And you can also visit the Left Hand Path Books Blog, with an updated listing and reviews on the latest books in Satanism and the Occult