5 Ways to Get Closer to Satan

Over the years one of the most important questions that I have been asked is how to develop a relationship with Satan. If you want to take a spiritual or religious approach with Satanism, having a relationship with Satan can be a rewarding experience, letting you know that Satan is with you every step of the way on your journey down the left hand path.

Nobody starts out in a religion knowing everything there is to know; nor do we have an intimate relation with our god as soon as we enter the gates of Satanism. A relationship takes time to cultivate. It can be likened to keeping a garden – you must plant the seed, water and feed it, keep the weeds out, and before you know it, you will have a beautiful garden to behold.

So here are some practical steps towards achieving your goals!

Develop a relationship – start small and work your way out from there 
You should consider that a relationship with Satan is a personal experience, so what other people experience in Satanism, or don’t experience, may not be your own experience. Your mileage may vary! So in taking this into consideration, I can only offer generalities regarding a relationship with Satan, and discuss my own personal experience to give you some insight into the process as well.

My early years of Satanism were filled with worshipful rituals, Satanic music and transgressive acts. This is not so uncommon among new Satanists who are finding their place in the world. I would worship Satan on Saturday evening, gathering my tools and robes, and wondering out to the beach or in my room by the light of candles. It was an interesting experience. Because I am a spiritual person, I had always felt that all it would take would be for me to reach out to Satan [or any other god!] and that being would answer in return – so I never really took it on faith or hope that I would get results. I just threw myself into the work and got it done.  The results never ceased to amaze me!!

One of the most important aspects of my ritual making was my pact with Satan. First done at the age of 13, I thought that my pact put me in a position of power to bargain with a being that was so hated in this world yet had so much power over it. I would not recommend this to new Satanists of course, because after all this time I can see how much power and energy is in a pact and how that can influence a young Satanist who has not yet learned the ropes yet.

So start out by spending the next year studying and practicing your rituals, and by then you should have a clearer view of what you want to do with your pact if you so decide to make one with Satan.

Study the history of Satan in past times and modern times too
The history of Satan is a long and winding road. It contains interesting insights into the character of Satan through the myths, legends and stories surrounding his name. Beginning with the early gnostics, and continuing to this day, people’s views of Satan have changed and evolved to mirror current events in history.

In developing a relationship with Satan, its important to consider the history that is behind the name. After all you would not want to get involved with someone if you didn’t know their history, their likes or dislikes, and what they are generally about, would you? That truly would be a leap of blind faith! I don’t recommend blind faith. I instead recommend that you study as much as you can about the history and character of Satan, both in past times and our modern views of Satan beginning with the Church of Satan.

Develop your own style of ritual – use others as a guide but do what pleases you
There are many examples of ritual to be found on the ‘net, and in books. Starting with the Satanic bible, we can see a simplified formula that many have found success with. A ritual is like a recipe, it contains essential ingredients that when put together create an interesting and symbolic experience.

Writing your own rituals is not so complicated. Its important to consider that just because a ritual has been used by others and it carries the powers and energies of those who worked with it before you, it is not necessarily the best formula for your particular situation.

Here is a basic template:  Most rituals have an opening, a declaration of intent, and a closing. It really is this simple. For instance with an evocation/invocation of Satan, you could prepare your ritual space, make your ritual invocation, declare what you want out of your ritual, and then perform a closing or departing or a thanks at the end.

Realize that communication is a two way street, watch the signs.

Signs, you say? Yes, a common experience for Satanists is to have dreams about Satan. How much of this is their own psychology or imagination at work and how much of it is Satan in communication is difficult to say, as dreams are a personal experience. I know for my own life, the dreams that I’ve had about Satan have come at critical times and stages and they have guided me and kept me on the path of Satanism. But just because you don’t have a dream about Satan does not mean that he is not in communication with you.

Its important to just let go and enjoy your experience with Satanism, instead of obsessing over every little sign and symbol in your life. I’ve talked with new Satanists who’s imagination just goes wild, they think that energies are all around them and every bad experience in life is some way of Satan getting revenge on them for not following orders! Just remember that Satanism isn’t christianity and to my knowledge, Satan isn’t out there giving orders to people and is not seeking revenge on those who “disobey”.

Its important to keep perspective in this regard and to view your experiences as a part of the whole. Do not take your experiences for granted but don’t obsess over them, either. What you experience in Satanism will be a personal journey, unlike that of any other that you will meet in Satanism.

Don’t give up! it takes time to develop a relationship. Just like in real life it comes in steps
You can’t have a relationship with someone without first initiating contact, learning about that person and making an effort to make yourself a part of their life. Satan won’t come chasing after you and there is much work to be done in this regard especially when you are new to the path.

So take it a day at a time and don’t be hard on yourself, and remember that your experience won’t match what others have gone through. In the end you should make an effort to meditate on Satan or perform rituals in his name, to learn about Satan’s history, and to work at learning about Satanism every day for at least a year before you make a solid commitment one way or the other.

For more articles on Satanism visit the article section at SpiritualSatanist.com – Read:  Satanic History, Culture and Practice

Dark Moon Merchant